Well after a long year, I was able to scoot on down to the Gulf Coast for a little bit of site seeing and property hunting. I must say that hearing the waters of the Gulf of Mexico crashing on shores reminded me of my childhood when I would grab blue shell crab in the breaks. The hurricanes of late have done some serious damage to this region to include New Orleans and as we go deeper in time, the hurricanes get bigger and nastier. What is causing all this? Some say global warming while others say it is nothing more than nature following its cyclonic cycle of destruction. I personally think that it is a little bit of both but I will stop here before I start sounding like Al Gore. In a period of 2 days I saw dolphins, sharks, eels, and giant stingrays. Where were all these creatures when I was a kid? Apparently the hurricanes are forcing more and more of these animals to live closer to mainland or at least that is what the guide on the boat said. Before I departed back for Boise I hauled butt up to New Iberia and visited “Jungle Gardens”. If you are ever in that town you MUST see this place for it will forever change the way you view trees and of course, ALLIGATORS! I swear those things are like rats now, I mean they are everywhere and living amongst the population like birds! Now I know where I am taking my son on our next vacation because not only does one get to see long lost sisters and brothers, they also get a taste of what the real south is all about. Lastly, if your family ever has alligator for dinner and you don’t invite me over, I am gonna have your head on a platter!
Spanish Moss for All My Friends,
Going on vacation?
Please my friends, consider New Orleans…It is much cleaner these days and they really need the revenue like you wouldn’t believe. The next time you buy clothes or eat a banana remember this, about 65% of this countries goods and services come through New Orleans ports. Without that city, we would be paying through the nose for things we commonly take for granted.
Spanish Moss for All My Friends,
Going on vacation?
Please my friends, consider New Orleans…It is much cleaner these days and they really need the revenue like you wouldn’t believe. The next time you buy clothes or eat a banana remember this, about 65% of this countries goods and services come through New Orleans ports. Without that city, we would be paying through the nose for things we commonly take for granted.