Fellow Pilgrims,
As we draw within a few days of Thanksgiving I am left to ponder the spoils of a successful year in 2008. As a photographer, I tend to take for granted some of the gadgets and gizmos made by smart engineers that allow me to do what I do. You prob know where I am going with this and that is, I am thankful for bright minds. Because I am a Nikon shooter, I tend to favor their goods the most but that is not the entire scope of what is available for you up and coming shooters. Canon is hands down an amazing maker of cameras and gadgets as well. Therefore, when you hear your friends saying that they are not sure which is best tell em that Foster said you can’t go wrong either way and to just be thankful for what is out there. Speaking of pictures, I took a little field trip up the side of Bogus Basin yesterday and had myself some fun with the fog and scenery. Enjoy the pics and for those of you who have commissioned me to take your pictures this year know that I am grateful and flattered by your actions. It takes a whole bunch of study and mistakes to master the style I employ and that would not have been possible without you, the customer and friend.
Thank you :)
Turkey Legs and Beer for all My Friends,
Your T-Day To Do List
Drink a cold one
Watch some football
Play tackle football with the neighbors cat
Spike the punch Grandma makes
Get the garage ready for the in-laws