Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Vachel & Andrea & a Website Update


When you brave the profession of photography, finding the ideal client that mixes well with your game can be a challenge. I think that is an often overlooked notion in this business. Finding jobs while important, is nowhere near as important as finding jobs with cool people. In that way I would at times, liken wedding/engagement photography to that of alchemy (Look it up if you don't know what that means) . With a ever growing population of photographers breathing down the necks of experienced pro's, you have to capitalize on every great opportunity and for me,  another great opportunity presented itself in the form of Vachel & Andrea (Pronounced Aun-Dre-Ahh). For a good hour plus, we floated on a cloud of expression that gave me pure satisfaction if only for the sincerity of it all. I even broke into my own "Superman" look & enjoyed using this on a client shoot for the first time.On the top you can see the latest man to wear the cape while I present to you the very two shirts shot at a different time by yours truly. The shot of me is close to 3 years old and it just goes to show, some ideas hang around for years until they are used with clients. I will say that Vachel makes a much better Clark Kent that I ever could and in his picture, he has the lady while I have the darkness. Some guys just have all the luck I suppose. Who knows what the three of us will come up with on the wedding day but that is just one of the many things that keeps my head in the game & you in front of the lens.

Website Update

I have recently altered the pricing page of in hopes of simplifying the pricing. Instead of forcing you to accept the items included in each package, I have decide to let the client choose what they want in the package. So if you want 6 hours of coverage, you simply pay for that time and then buy additional items to add until you have the package you envisioned. Hope that makes sense but feel free to call or email me should you have any questions. I can be reached at or cell 208-899-5506

Drinks For All My Friends,
