Monday, March 14, 2011

What to Shoot


I come to you itching for something new and something fresh. Since my schedule doesn't allow me to just jump into the car and head to Yellowstone whenever I want, it has become a real challenge to come up with some new and refreshing materials. Turns out, the solution was right under my nose! There is nothing more one powerful for creative types than Adobe's CS 5 (PhotoShop). I have spent some time digging into the various tutorials provided by the National Association of PhotoShop Professionals (NAPP). Doing this is one way of trying many different things without having to worry about getting it spot on the first time. Even better, I am fast discovering that when it comes to thinking outside the box, no other program helps you see beyond your own creative thought. Already I am feeling a sense of new ideas that I plan to try on this years list of weddings. No worries though, there will be no ketchup or mustard bottle chasing brides :)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Justis Photography Has Gone Music Review Crazy

One more from Nate to add to the collection

What do you get when you combine 600 people and three extremely talented musical acts? Pure energy and a vision of a collective group's hunger for creative success! On February 24th I shot MacKayla Hunter’s CD release party at the Knitting factory in downtown Boise and for someone only 15 years of age, I was amazed to say the least.  With an array of band members who touted what seemed like every instrument in the book, MacKayla struck thunder into every one of the nine songs she played before an energized audience. Personally, hearing a fiddle in the midst of her music only served to remind me of the thought that has been put into each and every one of her songs. I mean let’s be honest here, it isn’t often you hear music from someone still in high school that contains any instrument other than drums and guitars much less a fiddle. Furthermore, in todays over saturated pop culture, it stands as a reminder that there are those who still have the foresight and appreciation to what is right about music, that being, instrument variety used to every end imaginable!
Before MacKayla could even grace the stage with her presence, my good friend and very talented Nate Fowler raced through a set list of equally pleasing if not amazing tunes from his catalog of songs capped by his recent hit “Hurricane” (My Personal Favorite). To see this high energy version of Jack Johnson is to witness someone who knows how to motivate a crowd's interest for an entire set. I say this because Fowler’s short adaptation of The Backstreet Boys “I want it that way” would typically be met with bewilderment however, Nate actually gave the song however short, a life that 5 made for T.V. Hollywood boys couldn't even do. However, when you have charisma and talent like Fowler, you could sing a “Brady Bunch” song and it would sound cool! The opening act was a rather large crew of guys who call themselves “Reckless Abandon”. Somewhere between Jazz, Folk, and Hip Hop you will find this group of (I think) 6 dudes standing all alone, unique, and emotionally invested more than most bands I have seen. I noticed not one member of the group possessed an image matching that of their fellow band mates. From Lip Bizkit to James Taylor each member seemed to have their own thing and I not only found this refreshing, but their music kicked more ass than a donkey! Working on doing a shoot with them in the future so I can honestly say if that comes to pass, I will interested to find what makes this collective group of dudes tick. Special thanks to Duke VanCampen and Shawna VanBeek for not only hiring me, but allowing me to be a part of the entire process. Excellent people with big hearts. Justis Photography definitely has a place for you in its own Ring Of Honor.
Music For All My Friends,
Justis Photography