Monday, March 14, 2011

What to Shoot


I come to you itching for something new and something fresh. Since my schedule doesn't allow me to just jump into the car and head to Yellowstone whenever I want, it has become a real challenge to come up with some new and refreshing materials. Turns out, the solution was right under my nose! There is nothing more one powerful for creative types than Adobe's CS 5 (PhotoShop). I have spent some time digging into the various tutorials provided by the National Association of PhotoShop Professionals (NAPP). Doing this is one way of trying many different things without having to worry about getting it spot on the first time. Even better, I am fast discovering that when it comes to thinking outside the box, no other program helps you see beyond your own creative thought. Already I am feeling a sense of new ideas that I plan to try on this years list of weddings. No worries though, there will be no ketchup or mustard bottle chasing brides :)

1 comment:

lisa said...

I don't know about you, but I always WISH I had much more time to sit and play with Photoshop. I know a lot about it compared to most, but there's always so much more to learn and do! Love it.